
Helga Paris. Photography

08/12/2012 until 27/01/2013

Helga Paris, born in 1938, has taken an outstanding position in German photography. She is…

Textiles: Open Letter

01/12/2012 until 03/02/2013

In a series of discussions, exhibitions, workshops and presentations ›Textiles: Open Letter‹ is dedicated to…

Restitution of a Missing Past?

10/11/2012 until 03/02/2013

In the area of conflict between mythology, history and individual ways of behaving, the exhibition…

Dainius Liškevičius: Museum

10/11/2012 until 03/02/2013

In seiner Installation „Museum” beschäftigt sich Dainius Liškevičius mit möglichen Formen der freien politischen und…

Urs Lehni

19/10/2012 until 20/10/2012

The 2011 prizewinner, Urs Lehni, suggested conceiving a new design for the GfZK website

Appropriation of the Present

06/10/2012 until 24/02/2013

At the interface between memory and fiction, documentation and narrative, this exhibition is concerned with…

Little Warsaw - The Battle of Inner Truth

06/10/2012 until 09/12/2012

The installation by the artist group Little Warsaw transforms the exhibition room into an unusual…

Reflections. GfZK on tour

01/10/2012 until 30/09/2013

The works make direct reference to the European Energy Exchange Leipzig AG, to Leipzig or…

CAGE100: Opening Spaces for Action

07/07/2012 until 30/09/2012

Referring to John Cage the exhibition deals with questions relevant to aesthetic effects and receptions

Olaf Nicolai: Labyrinth

11/06/2012 until 30/09/2012
GfZK garden

Aus grünen Plastikbesen, wie sie die Stadtreinigung von Paris verwendet, baute Olaf Nicolai 1998 im…

Iris Touliatou: Matter Enclosed in Heavy Brackets

21/04/2012 until 24/06/2012

References from cinema, modernist architecture and theater result in a visual essay

Kunst-Kunst. Von hier aus betrachtet!

31/03/2012 until 19/08/2012

The exhibition shows different types of dealing with contemporary art in cooperation with ten Leipzig…

Scenarios about Europe: Scenario 3

28/01/2012 until 18/03/2012

The scenarios in Leipzig are considered to be an applied study, a prologue of a…

Zak Kyes Working With…

10/12/2011 until 25/03/2012

Zak Kyes' practice encompasses publishing, editing, site-specific projects for and with art institutions

Scenarios about Europe: Scenario 2

26/11/2011 until 15/01/2012

The three-part exhibition series Scenarios about Europe continues with its second scenario presentation. The same…

DenkMal: Perspektivwechsel

16/11/2011 until 27/11/2011
Städtische Galerie im Alten Rathaus, Wurzen

Exhibition with projects by Helmut & Johanna Kandl, Via Lewandowsky, Michaela Melián and Judith Siegmund

Carte Blanche IX: The Sachsen Bank Art Collection

07/11/2011 until 07/01/2010

As part of the ›Carte Blanche‹ programme, Sachsen Bank will be showcasing their collection for…

Scenarios about Europe

10/09/2011 until 25/03/2012

How could an art exhibition with Europe as its theme be realised in nine cities,…

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