Museum Night 2023

Museumsnacht 2023
Museumsnacht 2023


In the MEHRWEGLABOR we want to think with you about materials and how we deal with them, tinker, craft, inform. Bring your ideas!

18h-23pm – Ongoing mediation
Our mediators will accompany you to the special exhibition My Chambers of Wonder as well as through our new group exhibition Looking for a New Foundation. We look forward to talking with you!

18-24pm – My Chambers of Wonder
Walk-through space and sound installation with virtual reality animations (suitable for ages 7 and up). In the VR game, four children take us into their virtual secret world. You can also climb a tree house in the museum!

19-20.30pm film presentation “Meine Wunderkammern”


You are welcome to purchase tickets directly at our museum or on the Museum Night website.

You can find more info about the museum night here:

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