Why Show Something That One Can See?

Gender-specific differences are inscribed into spaces, while spaces also regulate gender relationships. Control of the body is still made possible by a controlled spatial organisation with clearly defined hierarchies of movement and occupancy. The exhibition “Why show something you can see?” is concerned with various artistic decoding strategies that reveal and criticise particular hierarchies and power mechanisms within the body, architecture and urban planning. The exhibition proceeds from the body and its gender-specific codes to looking at the relationship between the body and its surroundings, as well as questioning gender-specific spatial ordering within an urban environment.

Gender-related social expectations, values and norms are not only inscribed into and onto the body, they are also visible in its language and movement. These actions are generally learnt early, and are so strongly internalised that we are barely conscious of them.
This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. The author retains sole responsibility for the content of this publication. The Commission is not liable for the further utilisation of the particulars herein. Supported by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony

Warum etwas zeigen, was man sehen kann. Julia Schäfer. Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, 2006. Preis: EUR 10.00
againstwithin. Hg.: Ilina Koralova on behalf of GfZK Leipzig, FUUD Usti nad Labem, Forum Stadtpark Graz. Graz: Verlag Forum Stadtpark. Price: EUR 22.00


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