»Introducing Sites 1« is a project that addresses various notions and concepts of »sites« and »locations« and examines the mental and media images attached to those sites that create a sense of identity. To what extent are such images authentic and to what extent is the authenticit,y determined by outside influences and strategies? And another question: In what way does a given society construct its identity? From their diverse viewpoints the five invited artists investigate the images associated with their countries of origin [Bulgaria, Latvia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldavia], which are characterised by the transitional post-totalitarian situation.
Cultural Territories 03/Introducing Sites 01
April 06, 2003
until June 09, 2003
until June 09, 2003
Azra Akšamija, Pavel Brăila, Agnese Bule, Daniela Kostova and Oliver Musoviḱ
curated by
Ilina Koralova

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