Press downloads

We offer current press releases and photos for download. Please note that all illustrations are protected by copyright. The photographic material may be used free of charge for reporting purposes in connection with the respective exhibition, naming the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig and the listed copyrights.

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Press Contact:
Sabine Weier
+ 49 341 14081 25

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Press photos: Tarek Atoui. Extended Playground

> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Musiker Jonas Petry spielt am „Litophone", 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground,Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Performance mit Anna Schimkat, Amelie Neumann und Patricia Pinheiro, 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Performance mit Anna Schimkat, Amelie Neumann und Patricia Pinheiro, 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Performance mit Anna Schimkat, Amelie Neumann und Patricia Pinheiro, 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu

Press photos: Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński. O.T., K. T. C. I.

> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński, O.T.,K.T.C.I., 2022, Videostill, Courtesy: Galerie Wonnerth Dejaco, Wien
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu

Press photos: Lara Almarcegui. Halted Excavation

> Lara Almarcegui: Angehaltener Aushub/Halted Excavation
> Lara Almarcegui, Angehaltener Aushub / Halted Excavation, Leipzig, 26.4.2024, Foto / Photo: Thomas Wootton

Press photos: Sarah Pierce. Scene of the Myth

> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu

Press photos: Things That Were Are Things Again

> Sarah Sze, Still Life with Flowers, 1999, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Andrea Garcia Vasquez, Shapes of Destruction T6, 2020-22, Courtesy of the artist
> Inga Kerber, (Cliché of a Landscape, Jungle) Vietnam, 2018, Courtesy of the artist
> Kent Chan, Future Tropics, 2023, two-channel video, Courtesy of the artist
> Katarina Dubovska, Tectonic Shifts - Invitation for Movement, 2023, Courtesy of the artist
> Olaf Nicolai, Labyrinth. Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Außenansicht, Foto: Sebastian Schröder

Press photos: GfZK Museum of Contemporary Art

> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> Galerie fuer Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Foto_Alexandra Ivanciu
> Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu, (5)
> Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu, (6)
> Bibliothek, GfZK, 2021, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Mark Hamilton, Untitled (screen), GfZK Bibliothek, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> GfZK Bibliothek, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
Café DAS KAPITAL, Markus Dreßen, 2018, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Café DAS KAPITAL, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, 2012, Foto Andreas Enrico Grunert
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, Fotograf Andreas Enrico Grunert_außen
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, GfZK 2014, Foto Sebastian Schröder (2)
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, GfZK 2014, Foto Sebastian Schröder (3)
> Hotel Volksboutique, Christine Hill, GfZK 2014_Foto Sebastian Schröder (2)
> Hotel Volksboutique, Christine Hill, GfZK 2014_Foto Sebastian Schröder
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