Opening: Jota Mombaça: Voices, Voices…Inexplicable Machinery!

Voices, Voices...Inexplicable Machinery, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
Voices, Voices...Inexplicable Machinery, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu

Voices, Voices…Inexplicable Machinery –Jota Mombaça‘s sound performance was performed on 10.9.2022 in Clara Zetkin Park and was dedicated to voices that have been extinguished or silenced. The exhibition in the showcase of the New Building of the GfZK includes six drawings that were created as sketches for the performance, a spatial intervention, and the sound recording of the performance.

The sound performance took place at the site where, at the Saxon-Thuringian Industrial and Commercial Exhibition in 1897, black people were put on display in the reconstruction of a colonial setting. The energy and sounds of the performance space are intertwined with compositions and narratives that commemorate the oppressed, crossing temporal and spatial boundaries. Listening together is understood as an exercise that broadens the scope of historical transmission and future perspectives.

Voices, Voices…Inexplicable Machinery was created in collaboration collaboration with Brazilian sonic producer and researcher Anti Ribeiro. The performance also includes a program of readings by contributing authors Leda Maria Martins, Tania Kolbe, Rajyashri Goody, and Ola Hassanain.

The accompanying publication, designed by Anja Kaiser, is available at the GfZK-Shop during the exhibition.

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