Doris Dziersk & Anke Philipp, Carola Dertnig, Daniel Kötter & Constanze Fischbeck, FAIL/Manu Washaus, Johanna Kirsch, Kulturbahnhof/Mandy Gehrt, Stefanie Wenner, Lorenz Lindner, Nina Gühlstorff & Volks*theater-Ensemble, CFM aka Cornelia Friederike Müller, Trotzdem Yeah! @ Barcelona, Bernd Krauß, Asad Raza, hoelb/hoeb, DAS KAPITAL/Markus Dreßen, TSCHAU TSCHÜSSI and others
It has become increasingly important to reflect on the local environment – particularly in view of the pandemic. This also applies to the work of the art institution. For this reason, the experimental exhibition project Appointment X focuses on communication in this area and on building relationships between the GfZK, artists and local actors, networks, neighbourhoods and public places. The starting point of the project is the following question: how can culture be made accessible to a larger circle of people, what types of encounter are needed for this and where could they take place, for example outside of the museum?
The exhibition invites people to special appointments under different premises: in the form of spontaneous feedback or deeper conversations, on a participatory basis, for sporting activities or moments of surprise. The participating artists, directors and performers interact with the audience, drawing on ideas from the workshop, mobile stages, communicative kiosks, youth club and public meeting places. For example, they set up a village square in the building, and a project entitled “Volks*theater” (folk theatre) invites visitors to express their ideas on what forms theatre could take in the future. As well as the appointments and events that take place at the GfZK, the exhibition also includes walks and excursions.
This kind of project approach dissolves the walls of the museum; the neighbourhood is invited to participate, contributing its ideas on the relationships between the institution, local residents and the wider circle of interested parties.
Admission is free for the duration of the exhibition!
Cooperations: University of Fine Arts Dresden, OSTEN Theaterfestival Bitterfeld, Kulturbahnhof e.V. Markkleeberg, FAIL (Fine Arts Institute Leipzig), University of Music and Theatre Leipzig