Peter Nencini: Weltall Erde Mensch – Things organised neatly (working title)

School for Design Fiction, Peter Nencini with James Langdon, GfZK 2013

In March 2015 the artist, illustrator and educator Peter Nencini, London (GB), will present „Weltall, Erde, Mensch – Things organised neatly” (working title), a project series and permanent installation in several parts and formats at the Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig. As current debates within the curatorial and artistic field remind us, things can not or should not only be framed within our cognitive paradigms and explanatory narratives. What they inhabit are infinite potentialities, which invite to speculate without targeting or favouring particular directions or gaining for new conceptualizations and categorizations, but to welcome them as possible starting points for further discussions and gatherings.

Based on the shared interest of Peter Nencini and curator Julia Kurz in the GDR book series “Weltall, Erde, Mensch” (1954 – 1974, 22. editions), which inhabited multiple ideological appropriations of scientific approaches on the world during time and it‘s editions, Peter Nencini develops a prothetic Kit, in reference to Fröbels “Spielgaben”, for the GfZK Auditorium, consisting of objects of everyday use, multimedia and the invitation to encounter. The collection of objects, removed from their original context, are, like Nencini puts it, “not bespoken yet” and can be discussed in their thing – quality, which they gain through their formal potential of colour, material, adaptability and/or nonconformity. During a series of gatherings around and with these things the collaborators invite agents from different scientific backgrounds, like basic physics, peace and conflict theory or philosophy as well as artist which will illustrate their approaches and concerns addressing contemporary readings of the constellation Space, Earth and Mankind in collaboration with Peter Nencini. As a permanent room installation the Kit is supposed to be used beyond that for public programmes, art education and by the visitors.

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