As a rule, the stocks of art museums- apart from those holding specific collections- are inconsistent. Well- known works from past or recent art history appear next to unknown ones, celebrated contemporary works suddenly appear alongside formerly famous ones. Many of the works that were once exhibited and discussed are missing because they were not readily collectable, nobody wanted to collect them, or perhaps because the necessary means of ›preserving‹ them were not available at the time. Occasionally, relics and fragments remain that refer to a greater context, the knowledge of which has been lost or forgotten. Yet- however heterogeneous it may be- a collection’s stock must necessarily be viewed as echoing particular interests in society. And here, GfZK is no exception. Its stock is centred around the BDI (Federation of German Industries) Collection, which was given- to great politico- cultural effect- to the GfZK’s supporting body and which has, over time, been complemented through private donations and permanent loans. Parts of the GfZK Collection will be exhibited for one month respectively. These presentations are thematically linked to the exhibitions in the Gallery, in attempt to disclose the opportunities and advantages of a heterogeneous collection. Developed by the Danish artists’ group Superflex, the Internet channel ›Kanal 11‹ accompanies the series as a forum of discourse.
Die Sammlung als Labor/2003
until January 04, 2004

Die Sammlung als Labor XII: FIGUR
January 26, 2003 until February 23, 2003
Artists: Friedrich B. Henkel, Werner Stötzer, Bernhard Heiliger
Curated by Heidi Stecker
Zur Präsentation ›Figur‹
Alexander Camaro
Künstler- und Werkliste
Die Sammlung als Labor XIII: Running Table
February 26, 2003 until March 23, 2003
Artist: Dan Peterman
Curated by Ilina Koralova
Die Sammlung als Labor XIV: o.T.
April 06, 2003 until May 11, 2003
Arist: Günther Förg
Curated by Heidi Stecker
Die Sammlung als Labor XV: Areale
May 14, 2003 until June 09, 2003
Artists: Tilo Schulz, Haegue Yang, Tobias Rehberger
Curated by Julia Schäfer
Die Sammlung als Labor XVI: Reflektionen
June 22, 2003 until August 03, 2003
Artist: Heimo Zobernig
Curated by Ilina Koralova
Die Sammlung als Labor XVII: All Work No Play
August 06, 2003 until August 24, 2003
Artist: Susanne Weirich
Curated by Julia Schäfer
Die Sammlung als Labor XVIII: „Schichten“. Zur Geschichte der GfZK
September 07, 2003 until October 12, 2003
Artist: Simone Westerwinter, historical photographies of the Herfurth Villa
Curated by Heidi Stecker and Emmanuel Post
Die Sammlung als Labor XIX: Familiengeschichten
October 15, 2003 until November 09, 2003
Artists: Anna & Bernhard Blume
Curated by Ilina Koralova
Die Sammlung als Labor XX: Weltansichten
November 23, 2003 until January 04, 2004
Artist: Nathan Coley
Curated by Julia Schäfer