Tobias Rehberger’s works oscillate between object, design and architecture. They often embody person-specific solutions in which art and life no longer show clear dividing lines. New works have been created for Rehberger’s comprehensive solo exhibition, the largest to date, which will be presented in conjunction with works from recent years. The exhibition in Leipzig is the beginning of a small series of exhibitions by the artist, each of which will focus on a theme central to his work, a particular complex of works or a specific conceptual approach (other venues include FRAC Nord – Pas de Calais and Kunstverein Münster). Rehberger’s exhibition here brings together works that deal with light and illumination in different ways.


Winkelmann, Jan/Gaensheimer, Susanne/Baudin, Katia (Ed.): Tobias Rehberger. applesandpears. Leipzig, 2002, Kat./ Tobias Rehberger. The Secret Bulb in Barry L. GfZK, Leipzig, 1999, Cat.; Seascapes and other Portraits. Frac Nord – Pas-de-Calais, Dunkerque (F), 2000, Cat.; Tobias Rehberger. …(whenever you need me). Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster 2001


›Tobias Rehberger. Applesandpears‹
Mappe der Ausstellungskataloge ›The Secret Bulb in Barry L.‹ in der Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (Ausstellung: 24.10.-5.12.1999), ›whenever you need me‹ im Westfaelischer Kunstverein Münster (2001), ›Seascapes and other Portraits‹ im Frac Nord – Pas de Calais (2000), Köln: Walther König, 2002
(de/fr); Preis: 40.00€

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