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Pressefotos: Tarek Atoui. Extended Playground / Erweitertes Spiel

> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Musiker Jonas Petry spielt am „Litophone", 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground,Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Performance mit Anna Schimkat, Amelie Neumann und Patricia Pinheiro, 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Performance mit Anna Schimkat, Amelie Neumann und Patricia Pinheiro, 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Performance mit Anna Schimkat, Amelie Neumann und Patricia Pinheiro, 14.6.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Installationsansicht / Installation view, Foto/Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Lithophone (The Rverse Collection, 2020-21), Installationsansicht / Installation view, Foto/Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Tables of Contents (2020-21), Installationsansicht / Installation view, Foto/Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Tables of Contents (2020-21), Installationsansicht / Installation view, Foto/Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Tables of Contents (2020-21), Installationsansicht / Installation view, Foto/Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Tarek Atoui: Extended Playground, Home (The Whisperers, 2021-2022), Installationsansicht / Installation view, Foto/Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu

Pressefotos: Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński. O.T., K. T. C. I.

> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński, O.T.,K.T.C.I., 2022, Videostill, Courtesy: Galerie Wonnerth Dejaco, Wien
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński: O.T., K. T. C. I., 31.5–1.9.2024, Foto: Alexandra Ivanciu

Pressefotos: Lara Almarcegui. Angehaltener Aushub

> Lara Almarcegui: Angehaltener Aushub/Halted Excavation
> Lara Almarcegui, Angehaltener Aushub / Halted Excavation, Leipzig, 26.4.2024, Foto / Photo: Thomas Wootton

Pressefotos: Ruth Buchanan für Artspace Aotearoa. 292 Karangahape Road, GfZK Café

> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu
> Ruth Buchanan für/for Artspace Aotearoa: 292 Karangahape Road, Foto/Image: Alexandra Ivanciu

Pressefotos: Clarita Maria Phiri-Beiderdörffer. ichibukisho

> Clarita Maria Phiri-Beierdörffer, Ichibukisho, 2023, Video Still.
> Clarita Maria Phiri-Beierdörffer: ichibukisho – Akt der Erinnerung / Act of Remembrance © Andra Ivanciu
> Clarita Maria Phiri-Beierdörffer: ichibukisho – Akt der Erinnerung / Act of Remembrance © Andra Ivanciu
> Clarita Maria Phiri-Beierdörffer: ichibukisho – Akt der Erinnerung / Act of Remembrance © Andra Ivanciu
> Clarita Maria Phiri-Beierdörffer: ichibukisho – Akt der Erinnerung / Act of Remembrance © Andra Ivanciu
> Clarita Maria Phiri-Beierdörffer: ichibukisho – Akt der Erinnerung / Act of Remembrance © Andra Ivanciu

Pressefotos: Sarah Pierce. Scene of the Myth

> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu
> Sarah Pierce: Scene of the Myth © Alexandra Ivanciu

Pressefotos: Things That Were Are Things Again

> Dan Peterman, Running Table, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Dan Peterman, The Top of the Truck that Hit the Bridge 1, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Imi Knoebel, Sachsenbild, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Inga Kerber, (Cliché of a Landscape, Jungle) Vietnam, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Katarina Dubovska, Tectonic Shifts, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Kent Chan, future topics, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Lars Bergmann, Neubau, 2023, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu

Pressefotos: GfZK Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst

> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> Olaf Nicolai, Labyrinth, GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Sebastian Schröder
> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> GfZK_Altbau_2014_Fotograf Sebastian Schröder
> GfZK – Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Museum for Contemporary Art, Foto/photo: Alexandra Invanciu
> Galerie fuer Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Foto_Alexandra Ivanciu
> Bibliothek, GfZK, 2021, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> GfZK Bibliothek, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Mark Hamilton, Untitled (screen), GfZK Bibliothek, Foto Alexandra Ivanciu
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, 2012, Foto Andreas Enrico Grunert
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, Fotograf Andreas Enrico Grunert_außen
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, GfZK 2014, Foto Sebastian Schröder (2)
> Hotel Paris Syndrom, Jun Yang, GfZK 2014, Foto Sebastian Schröder (3)
> Hotel Volksboutique, Christine Hill, GfZK 2014_Foto Sebastian Schröder (2)
> Hotel Volksboutique, Christine Hill, GfZK 2014_Foto Sebastian Schröder