Habitats by the Interspecies Society

We are interested in the connections between culture, society, economy and ecology. That’s why there is also space for ecological interventions and experiments in our garden. the Interspecies Society, for example, has created habitats for small animals and insects here.

The Interspecies Society, founded in Leipzig in 2021, works at the interface between art and compost, transferring permaculture methods to artistic action. Their watercolours and texts, which can be purchased in a print edition with plant seeds, tell of “relationships of solidarity” between certain plants and animals. They invite people to redefine their own role in these relationships.

In cooperation with LeipzigBirds, the Interspecies Society has launched a project on the platform iNaturalist. This is a worldwide citizen science project, where people collect photos and sound recordings of living creatures. The observations flow into the stock of scientific data on biodiversity.

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