The presentation of this year’s award winner Yin Aiwen is scheduled for autumn 2020. The Chinese designer works in the field of system design. She presents her research and artistic projects in the form of installations, APPs and publications.
Yin Aiwen, a designer, theorist and project developer living in Amsterdam, investigates the social impact of digital communication technologies in the form of texts, speculative research and time-based artistic media. She stands for a design that establishes relationships between people and systems in order to redesign the relationship between technology and society. She formulates the points of contact and interfaces between the analogue and the digital world in various media.
Her exhibition in Leipzig presents the installation The Massage is the Medium, which examines the relationship between body, consumption and digitality. The research-based piece reunion, which deals with networking among the needy and care workers, is shown here for the first time. Finally, the ongoing project COMMONS.ART is presented, on the theme of collective non-possession in the art world.
The INFORM Prize for Conceptual Design, awarded on an annual basis since 2007, is located at the interface between graphic design and art. The award winner receives the sum of 5,000 euro, donated by Dr. Arend Oetker. The prize is also associated with an exhibition at the GfZK.
Award jury: Chiara Figone (graphic artist, publisher at Archive Books), Anna Lena von Helldorff (graphic artist), Maureen Mooren (graphic artist, professor at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst), Rebecca Stephany (graphic artist, professor at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe), Franciska Zólyom (director of the GfZK).
The award includes the sum of 5,000 euro, donated by Arend Oetker, and a solo exhibition at the GfZK.