TIME SMUGGLER: Klasse für Performative Künste and Friends

"Das Wort für Museum ist Wald", Ausstellungseröffnung GfZK Leipzig. Performance der Klasse Performative Künste (HGB Leipzig). Photo: Alexandra Ivanciu

The “Klasse für Performative Künste” and Friends led by Isabel Lewis and Lissy Willberg, a constellation of students at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB) and professional artists engaged in a body-based research practice, present a site-specific collective performance at GfZK. TIME SMUGGLER – A sequence enacted in urban spacetime two times is an invitation to drift in the multi-layers of space, experiencing it with a different sensation of weight, joy, and purpose.

Participating artists: El Mamo Hammam Alawam, Felix Almes, Hana Hazem Arabi, Lennard Bernd Becker, Elsa Blanc-Brude, Romania Drahan, Tobi Fabek, Joshua Goodman, Nataly Hulikova, Chiara Mila Jason, Vanessa Kahl, Lukas Aaron Maar, Matilda Materni, Marie-Luise Meister, Harriet Meyer, Kaya Leonie Pilsner, Vitiko Schell, Louise Schibli, Aria Schlecht, Frida Schramm, Asya Volodina, Sasha Zamyatina, María Isabel Pineda Yupanqui

The performative actions begin sharp at 1 pm and 4 pm inside the exhibition space at the GfZK villa building. Please be dressed according to the weather, as the performance also extends outdoors.
Entrance is free. No prior registration necessary. The GfZK old building (villa) can be reached barrier-free via ramp and elevator.
In the frame of the exhibition The Word for Museum is Forest (30.9.2023-28.1.2024), curated by Eleni Michaelidi and kindly supported by the Dr. Klaus Schaffner Preis and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony.


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