Interspecies Society presents new microhabitat and invites visitors to join a Bioblitzz together with Leipzig Birds

© Gesellschaft für artübergreifende Freundschaft / Interspecies Society
© Gesellschaft für artübergreifende Freundschaft / Interspecies Society

The Interspecies Society, established in Leipzig in 2021, addresses the issue of biodiversity loss, applying the principles of permaculture to artistic pursuits. Their watercolours and texts, offered for sale as print editions with plant seeds (limited according to harvest), explore the relationships and solidarity between plants and animals. They invite individuals to redefine their role within these relationships in the natural world.

As part of the collection exhibition Things That Were Are Things Again, the Interspecies Society has designed various microhabitats in the GfZK garden. In cooperation with LeipzigBirds and others, a Bioblitzz will take place here, in which nature enthusiasts try to identify as many species of plants, fungi and animals as possible during a certain period of time. From 5 pm until late at night, excursions start across the grounds: on birds and acoustic ecology, moths and many other topics.

Free entrance, registration is not required.

5 pm
Opening of Mikrohabitat and How to Bioblitzz, Interspecies Society and LeipzigBirds

6 pm
Excursion with Connie Walker from LeipzigBirds

7 pm
Butterflies and their food plants, excursion with Philipp Drosky (Naturgarten Leipzig)

10 pm
Moth excursion with Michael Ludwig

11 pm
Cycling movie: Animals in the city, LeipzigGrün in cooperation with the ADFC Leipzig

You can upload the data collected during the Bioblitzz to iNaturalist. This is a worldwide citizen science project, where people collect photos and sound recordings of living creatures. The observations flow into the stock of scientific data on biodiversity.

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