Fame Female Walk with Kristina Raßmann (Semenova) and Olga Vostretsova

Denkmal der Frauenrechtlerlin Clara Zetkin (1857–1933) im Leipziger Johannapark, Walter Arnold, 1967 / Monument to the women’s rights activist Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) in Leipzig’s Johannapark, Walter Arnold, 1967
Denkmal der Frauenrechtlerlin Clara Zetkin (1857–1933) im Leipziger Johannapark, Walter Arnold, 1967 / Monument to the women’s rights activist Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) in Leipzig’s Johannapark, Walter Arnold, 1967

As part of the programme accompanying the exhibition  Maria Pinińska-Bereś  Бükü – Bureau for Cultural Translations invites you to the  Fame Female Walk  through the music district. The walk, conceived by curators Kristina Raßmann (Semenova) and Olga Vostretsova for Leipzig’s city center, draws attention away from male monuments and towards famous and interesting women in art and culture. Along the way, stories and anecdotes from Leipzig’s cultural life are told and observations shared. The interactive walks were predecessors for the web app Eine neue Bewegung: Re*mapping Leipzig.


HGB – Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst
Deutsches Literaturinstititut Leipzig
Albertina – Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig
Universität Leipzig
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig
Johannapark / Clara-Zetkin-Denkmal


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