Ferienworkshop bei FLIPPO – Die GfZK-Kinderzeitung

Children between the ages 8 and 12 became part of their own editorial staff during the workshop organised by the children’s magazine FLIPPO. Each child had the opportunity to make their own little magazine including the front page, headlines and illustrations.

On the first day, they visited the “Museum für Druckkunst” (museum of printed art) – here they could gather some first impressions. Together they went to the GfZK (Gallery of Temporary Arts) and they asked themselves: How are we called by others? By our family, parents, friends? We collected: “Princess and the pea”, “You Glutton!”, “Does everyone in your class eat as slow as you do?”, “Know-it-all” and many more.

Now every child developed their own theme that would transfer into their own Mini-Magazin being supported by illustrators and designers throughout the whole process – storys were told, comics drawn or jokes illustrated.

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