Hausgemeinschaft (family affairs)

The theme of family (lat. familia = household community) ­– and of what a family can be today ­­– is as diverse as the people it involves. A child is born into a family and encounters a social institution – the smallest one there is – for the first time, a small community which will continue to influence it for the rest of its life. During the course of the years that follow, it will come across other systems and communities that can behave in a similar way to the nuclear family. A network can become a home, groups of people who share living space can become family substitutes, open family models can become contemporary extended families.

Between June and September 2013, various themes and positions will move into the GfZK. They will form an exhibition community, and the relationships that evolve between them will be observed. Artistic positions will be placed on the same level as mediation projects in which visitors can actively participate.

Here we encounter the structural conditions of socialisation and upbringing (Hanisch, Zielfeld, Zoitl, Horelli). Another aspect focuses on the autobiographical origins of dealing with private issues in art. Here, artists relate to their individual experiences such as loss, culture, memories (Dertnig, Kim, Horelli, Waniek). There are also themes such as the deviation from the normative systems of family, or visions of alternative ways of living together in the future (Porten, Schnitt).

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