Markus Dreßen is convinced that “graphic design itself must assume propositional functions in order to clarify certain aspects of a particular artistic stance.” Design, especially in the field of contemporary art, cannot remain neutral. In this of all fields, where the particular (visual) status quo is constantly questioned and expanded upon, design must take a stand in regard to the use of signs, their contextualisation, circulation or the meaning they transfer.
Dreßen works closely with artists, curators and authors in his projects. These partnerships of equals – Dreßen himself describes them as collaborations and himself as a collaborator – require a continual process of negotiating and disputing all kinds of perceptions. His own position should not wane into a mere provision of services, nor does he wish by his work to replace artistic or curatorial assignments. Design is understood as a ‘publishing process’, in which editorial and creative tasks intermesh.
The exhibition at the GfZK shows a cross-section of his graphic works, with the emphasis on book design.